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Back To School Safety For Dogs
August 15, 2023

Can you believe that it’s back to school time already? In fact, some stores are already setting out Halloween decorations, which is even more surreal. The start of a new school year is a busy and exciting time for kids. It can also be a bit stressful for our canine companions. A Frederick, MD vet lists a few common hazards to be aware of in this article.


While some of our four-legged friends won’t show any interest in school supplies, others will investigate and/or play with anything and everything within paw’s reach. Many of the things on that supply shopping list are unsafe for Man’s Best Friend. That includes things like pens, pencils, erasers, staples, markers, crayon, glue and glue sticks, scissors, and any other small or sharp objects.  


Do you pack your kids’ lunches? Take care not to let Fido sample their snacks. Many popular lunchbox foods, such as grapes, raisins, and chocolate, are toxic to our canine friends. Candies, such as sour balls, can be choking hazards. Items like plastic bags, straws, tooth picks, plastic utensils, and tin foil are also unsafe. It’s worth noting that this is a good time to talk to your kids about Fido and Fluffy’s diet, and tell them about what is and isn’t safe for him. Other dangerous foods include meat on the bone, nuts, avocado, caffeine, and raw dough.

Drop-Offs And Pickups

Many of our furry pals love to greet their humans at the door or bus stop. This is super cute, but it can also be dangerous. If you’re walking your child to a dropoff or pickup point, then by all means take Fido with you. Just be sure to keep him leashed: it’s definitely not safe for him to go to a bus stop alone!

Separation Anxiety

Fido may also have a hard time emotionally when the tiny humans go back to school. If your pup has gotten used to having the kids around to play with and snuggle up with, he may feel lonely and abandoned. Carve out some extra quality time with your canine buddies. If your family has dinner together every night, make it a habit to play with him before or after you eat.

Do you have questions or concerns about your dog’s health or care? Contact us, your Frederick, MD pet hospital, anytime!