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Celebrating Adopted Dog Day
September 15, 2023

There’s a pretty special day coming up on the calendar: September 23rd is Adopted Dog Day! Many of our canine pals were adopted, whether from shelters or sometimes from foster homes. We love seeing pups get second chances! Read on as a local Frederick, MD veterinarian lists some cute ways to get Fido’s tail going.


Did you know that playing is beneficial for dogs, both mentally and physically? Carve some time out of your day for some fun with your canine companion. This is likely to put a smile on your face as well. Man’s Best Buddy is super cute when he’s hard at play!

New Toys

Fido still hasn’t grown bored with his favorite toys, which includes things like balls, sticks, and stuffies. However, there are also lots of fun new playthings you can get for your furry pal. Your canine buddy may also enjoy some smart toys, such as a ball that responds to his movements.


This is a great time of year to head to a local park, or perhaps explore a new trail. Fido also wouldn’t mind a special trip to a drive-thru on the way back. (Tip: if you go to a Starbucks, get your four-legged pal a puppucino.)


We can’t celebrate a doggy holiday without a yummy snack. Store-bought foods are fine, but Fido can also have some plain, cooked meat, fish or chicken. Just limit heavily processed foods, like sausage and bacon. Also, don’t give your furry friend anything that is still on the bone.

New Digs

Has your canine friend’s bed seen better days? What better time to get him a new one! It’s important for Fido to have a quality mattress, one that will cushion his bones and joints and insulate him from chilly floors. Of course, this can even be a great gift for pups that already have beds. Your pooch may appreciate having one in the living room and one in the den. It’s nice to have options!

Spread The Word

Don’t forget about all of the dogs out there who still need loving homes. Share posts about adoptable pets on social media. You may end up changing a lucky pup’s life with a few keystrokes! You can also help by volunteering or perhaps donating money or supplies.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions or concerns about your dog’s health or care. As your local Frederick, MD pet clinic, we are here to help!