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Summer With Senior Cats

Is your feline buddy in her senior years? Fluffy will probably want to spend her

Caring For A Shy Kitty

One thing we love about our feline pals is the fact that they all have
Orange cat lying down

Tips For Adopting A Cat

June is a pretty important month to our feline overlords: it’s Adopt A Cat Month!

Creating A Catio

Do you keep your feline pal indoors? If so, that’s great. Kitties are quite bold

Senior Dog Comforts

Is your canine companion entering his senior years? Fido will never stop being loyal, loving,

Shedding Season Cleaning Tips

Spring is just around the corner. For many pet owners, that not only means the

Doggy Dental Issues

Dogs use their mouths for much more than eating: Fido also uses it to play,

Keeping Fluffy Healthy

Cats are pretty hardy little pets, and are generally quite easy keepers. However, Fluffy isn’t
Husky dog scratching its body sitting the grass

Caring For A Dog With Allergies

Did you know that dogs can develop allergies, just as people can? In fact, as
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